Our Ethos

Sustainable consumerism isn’t a trend, it’s the future.

IndieGetup started with a purpose, connecting meaningful brands with conscious individuals.

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Aspects of sustainability

Our dedicated team members search the web for mission-driven brands (ethical & sustainable) that are committed to producing eco-conscious products. We search for products that match our sustainability badges (see to the right or below!)

Group 1866


This brand has products that have been created without the use of any potentially toxic, carcinogenic, or poisonous ingredients that could harm your health or the environment.

Group 1991


This brand uses products that have either been recycled in such a way that the resulting product is of a higher value than the original item (upcycled), or a product that has recovered material from waste and has been turned it into new product (recycled).

Group 4

Sustainable Packaging

This brand using packaging that reduces the environmental impact and ecological footprint by either recycled, or biogreadable materials.

Group 2239

Made in the USA

This brand produces products within the United States. This can limit its carbon footprint and is held to environmental standards higher than those of other countries, especially underdeveloped countries.

Group 5

Renewable Energy

This brand uses renewable energy within their manufacture, or logistical process that reduces its carbon output and footprint.

Group 6

Organic Materials

This brand produces products that contains organic materials such as (Organic Cotton, Algae, Eco-Friendly Rubber) that removes harmful pesticides and other chemicals from the production process.

Group 7 1

Fair Trade

This brand supports producers from underdeveloped countries through trading, protection of workers’ rights, preservation of the environment, and the promotion of sustainability. (Source – Good On You, 2022)

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Zero Waste

This brand produces products that generate little or no textile waste in their production.

Group 8


This brand has established internal initiatives that stand in solidarity with the people who make their clothes, especially women.

Group 11

Cruelty Free

This brand considers animal welfare and essures that animals were not hurt or harmed during the production of their products.

Group 9


This brand produces products that incorporates no fur, leather, feathers, wool, silk or any other animal-based fibers.

Group 10


This brand is owned by BIPOC, which stands for Black, Indigenous, People of Color.

Where we get our information from

Green & social-washing’s a bitch… Brands are tossing around these terms, in somewhat of a deceptive fashion, and there’s not much regulation to prevent it. Our goal is the cut through the BS and provide a transparent platform for you to discover and shop for authentity sustainable and ethical brands. Here’s how we source our information.

Independent Research

Our team performs an in-depth audit of each brand before adding them to IndieGetup. We have a specific scoring system that we’ve crafted that evaluates each company on various metrics. We’ve defined 3 primary pillars of sustainability, and all of our products contribute to one or more. These pillars are: Environmental impact (Materials used, Circularity, Production processes, etc.), Worker welfare, and Animal welfare. For the full rating system check our the scoring system toward the bottom on this page.


When evaluating a company’s sustainable claims, our team looks for consumer-facing certifications. Having a renowned eco-certification can help a brand’s transparency and help navigate a complex market. These have been broken down into four categories: Environmental, Fair Labor, Holistic, and Membership Network Certifications. Each of these certifications are designed to encompass certain measurables and areas of focus.


We rate brands based on on our three eco-pillars: Environmental impact (Materials used, Circularity, Production processes, etc.), Worker welfare, and Animal welfare.

platinum badge for sustainability ranking


These types of brands are transparent about their policies and practices and incorporate at least 1 of 3 of our primary pillars of sustainability & ethics. They are demonstrating progress and are dedicated to improvement.

gold badge for sustainability ranking


These types of brands are transparent about their policies and practices. They incorporate at least 2 of 3 of our primary pillars of sustainability & ethics. They are dominating leadership in various aspects of sustainability & ethical practices.

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These types of brands demonstrate the highest level amongst our 3 pillars and are the most transparent. They incorporate at 3 out of the 3 of our primary pillars of sustainability & ethics.