How To Clean A Washing Machine Naturally Without Vinegar


Granted, keeping our laundry game strong is essential, but have you ever wondered how to clean your washing machine naturally without vinegar? But What can I use instead of white vinegar to clean the washing machine? We hear you ask. In this guide, we’ll go over the best alternatives to keep your laundry smelling fresh and help your machine run smoothly for years to come.

How To Clean A Washing Machine Naturally Without Vinegar

Over time, detergent residues, fabric softener build-up, and hard water minerals can accumulate inside our machines. This gunk not only affects the machine’s performance but also shortens its lifespan. By giving your machine some love and attention on a regular basis, you’re ensuring it stays in tip-top shape for years to come. Cleaning your washing machine regularly also helps banish those pesky odors that can cling to your freshly laundered clothes. These odors can be caused by trapped bacteria, mold, or mildew that thrive in the warm and moist environment of your washing machine. 

In any case, there are plenty of natural alternative cleaning methods to help maintain your washing machine in tip-top shape. But before we share all the info on how to clean your washing machine naturally without vinegar, let’s talk about why some eco-friendly living folks aren’t fond of using vinegar in the first place.

What Does Vinegar Do For Cleaning Washing Machines?

Ah, vinegar! It’s often hailed as a versatile cleaning solution, however, it does have some disadvantages. Vinegar, particularly white vinegar, is known for its acidic properties. When used in a washing machine, vinegar can help break down mineral deposits, dissolve detergent residue, and remove odors. It acts as a natural descaler and deodorizer, tackling some common issues that can plague washing machines.

But, there’s a catch! The acidity of vinegar can pose a risk to certain components of your washing machine, such as rubber seals and hoses. Prolonged exposure to it may cause deterioration or premature wear and tear. Also, while vinegar can eliminate some odors, it has a strong smell of its own. If not rinsed thoroughly, the scent of vinegar can linger in your washing machine and even transfer to your clothes. Not exactly the fresh scent you’re aiming for!

What Can I Use Instead Of White Vinegar To Clean The Washing Machine?

If you’re looking for alternatives to white vinegar to clean your washing machine, you’re in luck! There are several natural ingredients that work wonders without potential drawbacks.

Baking Soda

Baking Soda is a fantastic cleaning solution! This gentle yet powerful ingredient is a staple in natural cleaning. It helps break down grime, neutralize odors, and acts as a mild abrasive. Simply add one cup of baking soda to the detergent dispenser or directly into the drum, then run a hot water cycle on the longest setting. Baking soda will leave your washing machine fresh and clean.

Citric Acid

Citric acid is a natural compound found in citrus fruits and is widely used as a cleaning agent. It effectively removes limescale and mineral deposits that can build up in your washing machine. If you are wondering how to clean your washing machine naturally without vinegar, simply, dissolve one cup of citric acid powder in warm water and pour the solution into the detergent dispenser or directly into the drum. Run a hot water cycle to dissolve any residue and maintain a sparkling clean washing machine.

What Is The Best Natural Way To Clean Washing Machine?

What You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup of baking soda
  • Clean cloth or sponge
  • Warm water


Start by emptying the drum of your washing machine. Remove any visible debris, lint, or items left behind from previous loads. It’s important to have a clean starting point before diving into the cleaning process.

Adding Baking Soda Measure out 1 cup of baking soda

 You can either pour it directly into the drum of the washing machine or add it to the detergent dispenser, depending on your machine’s design. Baking soda is a gentle yet effective natural cleaning agent that helps break down grime and neutralize odors.

Selecting the Right Cycle 

Set your washing machine to the hottest water temperature and choose the longest cycle available. The combination of hot water and a lengthy cycle allows the baking soda to work its magic in cleaning your machine thoroughly.

Running the Cycle

Start the cycle and let the machine run its course. As the water fills the drum, the baking soda will begin to dissolve, releasing its cleaning power. The baking soda will help to remove built-up residues from detergent and fabric softeners, as well as neutralize any lingering odors.

Wiping Down the Drum 

Once the cycle is complete, open the lid or door of your washing machine. Take a clean cloth or sponge and wipe down the drum, agitator (if applicable), and any other accessible parts of the machine. This step helps to remove any remaining residue or baking soda from the surfaces.

Rinse Cycle (Optional)

 If you want to ensure that all the baking soda is completely rinsed out, you can run an additional rinse cycle using plain warm water. This step is especially useful if you have a top-loading machine with a visible agitator.

Air Drying 

After completing the cleaning process, leave the lid or door of your washing machine open for a while to allow the interior to air dry. This will help prevent any moisture buildup and keep your machine fresh.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully cleaned your washing machine using baking soda. Repeat this process every few months or as needed to maintain a clean and fresh-smelling machine.

Remember, baking soda is a safe and eco-friendly option for cleaning your washing machine, and it can also be used for various other cleaning tasks around the house. So, embrace the power of this versatile ingredient and enjoy the benefits of a sparkling clean washing machine!

Conclusion: Clean A Washing Machine Naturally Without Vinegar

Baking soda and citric acid are incredible substitutes that pack a punch when it comes to eliminating dirt, mold, mildew, bacteria, and limescale—all while being environmentally friendly. The best part? You probably already have these powerhouse ingredients in your pantry at home. If not, no worries! You can easily find them at your local grocery store or nearby drugstore. Say goodbye to the hassle of cleaning your washing machine and say hello to a simpler, more sustainable solution. Let’s make washing machine maintenance a breeze!

About Author

Konstantina Antoniadou

Freelance sustainability and fashion writer with an ongoing curiosity to explore new innovative technologies, and report on trends in “green” industries.