The 10 Greenest  & Most Sustainable States in the USA 


What are the most sustainable states in the USA? While the answer may vary depending on the criteria, numerous studies have ranked the greenest states in the US over the years. Read on to find 2023’s most environmentally friendly states in the USA and all the factors that make them stand out.

Most Sustainable States in The US Ranked!

Sustainability is all about taking care of the environment, making sure we have enough resources for the future, and ensuring that people can live well today. And some green states in the US have managed to crack the eco code! But what really makes a state sustainable? 

Clean Energy & Efficiency

Sustainable states use a lot of clean energy like wind and solar power are doing well. This means they’re not polluting the air and are preparing for a future where we won’t run out of energy. If people and businesses in a state use less energy to do the same things, it’s a good sign. It means they’re being smart with their energy use and not wasting it.

Recycling and Reducing Waste

States should also encourage recycling and reduce the amount of trash they create are on the right track – less garbage in landfills, better for the planet.

Clean Water

Having clean and safe water for everyone is a big part of sustainability. The most eco-conscious states manage their water well and protect it from pollution.

Protecting Nature

The greenest states in the USA take care of their parks, wildlife, and natural places are considered more sustainable.  


Teaching people, especially in schools, about the importance of taking care of the environment and being sustainable is key. When people understand why it’s important, they’re more likely to help.

Laws and Rules

Having strong rules and laws that protect the environment and promote sustainability is crucial. Sustainable states need to make sure everyone follows these rules to keep the environment safe.

Innovation and Research

States that invest in new and better ways to be sustainable are leaders. This includes finding new technologies and ideas to make life more eco-friendly.

So, when ranking the most sustainable states, experts look at all these factors. The states that do the best in these areas are considered the most sustainable.  

10 Most Environmentally Friendly States In The US (2023)

1. Massachusetts

Massachusetts is considered one of the most eco-friendly states in the USA due to their amazing initiatives. The state ranks second lowest in the nation for water usage, reflecting its careful stewardship of this critical resource. Furthermore, it stands fifth in the list of states with the lowest energy consumption, underscoring its commitment to energy efficiency and conservation. Massachusetts is also recognized as the fifth most solar-friendly state, highlighting its substantial investments in solar power and clean energy initiatives.

Massachusetts has a strong focus on energy efficiency programs and incentives for both residential and commercial buildings, which help reduce energy consumption and lower carbon emissions. They’ve adopted green building standards, encouraging environmentally friendly construction practices, and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for buildings. What’s more, the state encourages recycling and has implemented programs to reduce waste and promote composting. Plus, there are numerous conservation programs and protected areas, including state parks, wildlife reserves, and coastal preservation areas. Lastly, the state has a thriving green technology sector, including clean energy startups and companies that develop eco-friendly products and services which makes them one of the most environmentally friendly states in the US.

2. Rhode Island

Rhode Island is known for its commitment to environmental sustainability and is considered one of the more eco-friendly states in the USA. So much so that they’ve managed to rank second on the list of environmentally friendly states, third on the list of the states with the lowest water usage, No. 1 for lowest energy use, and No. 20 for solar friendliness according to Forbes.

Rhode Island has invested in renewable energy sources, particularly wind energy. The state is home to the Block Island Wind Farm, the first offshore wind farm in the United States, which provides clean energy to the region. Rhode Island’s extensive coastline is a focus of conservation efforts. The state actively works to protect its coastal areas, wetlands, and natural habitats. What’s more, the state has strong regulations to protect water quality, including the management of stormwater runoff to prevent pollution of rivers, lakes, and Narragansett Bay. They also support sustainable agriculture practices, local food production, and farm-to-table initiatives.

3. New York

New York not only has the ninth-lowest water usage and second-lowest energy use but they’ve also managed to rank 13th for solar friendliness. Touted as one of the most sustainable states in the US, NY implemented energy efficiency programs and policies to reduce energy consumption in buildings, resulting in lower carbon emissions. Plus, the state’s extensive public transportation system, including the New York City Subway, Metro-North, and Long Island Rail Road, reduces the reliance on personal vehicles and lowers carbon emissions. New York City, in particular, has stringent green building standards, and many new construction projects follow sustainable design and LEED certification.

On top of that, New York’s government actively supports sustainability through various policies and legislation aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean energy. Various green initiatives, such as green rooftops and urban green spaces, contribute to the state’s eco-friendly efforts, particularly in urban areas like New York City.

4. California

Next up in the list of the list of green states in the US is California which is ranked No. 1 for solar friendliness. California is a leader in renewable energy adoption, particularly solar and wind power. The state has ambitious renewable energy goals and incentives for clean energy production. California promotes the use of electric vehicles (EVs) through incentives, charging infrastructure, and state policies, contributing to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

In addition, the state boasts numerous national and state parks, wilderness areas, and marine sanctuaries for wildlife protection and outdoor recreation. And lastly, they actively work to protect its extensive coastline, wetlands, and marine environments, such as the California Coastal Commission.

5. Florida 

Florida, number seven for both lowest energy use and solar friendliness is lauded as one of the most eco-conscious states in 2023. Florida is home to numerous state and national parks, wildlife refuges, and conservation areas, such as the Everglades and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. These protected areas contribute to wildlife preservation and environmental awareness. Florida’s extensive coastline and marine environments are a focus of conservation efforts, with initiatives to protect coral reefs, sea turtles, and marine life. They also have programs in place to protect and rehabilitate endangered species and native wildlife, including the Florida panther and manatee.

The state faces water resource challenges, and they’ve implemented water-saving initiatives and regulations to address water scarcity and protect water quality. Last, but not least, Florida state promotes recycling and has implemented programs to reduce waste and minimize the use of single-use plastics.

6. Georgia

When it comes to the greenest states in the USA, Georgia ranks 6th! The state has been investing in renewable energy sources, particularly solar power. They’ve seen an increase in solar energy installations and enforced environmental regulations to protect natural resources, air and water quality, and public health. Initiatives are in place to manage stormwater and reduce pollution. Also, Georgia encourages recycling and waste reduction programs and initiatives, aiming to minimize waste and reduce landfill use.

7. Vermont

Vermont, known as one of the most sustainable states in US, has implemented energy efficiency programs and policies for both residential and commercial buildings, promoting the reduction of energy consumption and lower carbon emissions. They’ve also made significant investments in renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, and hydropower. The state promotes green building practices and sustainable construction methods, including LEED certification for environmentally friendly buildings. They also actively support sustainability through legislation and policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting clean energy.

8. Hawaii  

Hawaii’s isolation has led to a strong focus on sustainability and self-sufficiency in terms of energy and food production. They have made significant investments in renewable energy sources, particularly solar, wind, and geothermal power. The state has set ambitious goals to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2045.

Due to water scarcity issues, Hawaii has implemented water-saving initiatives and regulations to protect its limited freshwater resources. What’s more, they have many protected areas, including national parks, marine sanctuaries, and nature reserves, which contribute to wildlife preservation and environmental conservation. Hawaii’s unique and fragile ecosystems, including coral reefs and native flora and fauna, drive conservation efforts and awareness. On top of that, the Indigenous Hawaiian culture emphasizes a deep connection to the land and nature, contributing to a strong sense of environmental stewardship. Plus, the state promotes electric vehicles (EVs) through incentives and charging infrastructure, reducing emissions from the transportation sector.

9. New Jersey

Firstly, New Jersey has invested in green infrastructure projects, including urban green spaces, wetland restoration, and natural stormwater management systems to reduce environmental impact. Also, the state is at the forefront of energy efficiency initiatives, implementing innovative technologies and policies that reduce energy consumption in buildings and industries. The state’s commitment to coastal conservation includes beach nourishment projects, dune restoration, and marine habitat protection. Plus, they actively promote cutting-edge recycling initiatives, reducing waste through programs that target single-use plastics and other recyclable materials.

On top of that, New Jersey’s urban areas, including Newark and Jersey City, have adopted sustainable urban planning and green building standards, aiming to reduce carbon footprints and improve city life. These  are many contributing factors that make New Jersey one of the most sustainable state the US.

10. Arizona

Last, but not least, on the list of the most environmentally friendly states in the USA is Arizona. Arizona has invested in renewable energy sources, particularly solar power. Arizona has a Renewable Energy Standard (RES) that sets goals for the percentage of energy that must come from renewable sources, such as wind and solar. What[‘s more, the state is home to numerous solar energy installations, and policies and incentives have been implemented to encourage clean energy production and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Given its arid climate and water scarcity issues, Arizona has implemented water-saving initiatives and regulations for efficient water use, as well as programs to manage water resources and protect water quality.

The state also has many conservation programs and protected areas, including national parks, wildlife refuges, and nature reserves, aimed at preserving biodiversity and natural habitats which make them one of the most sustainable states in the USA.